Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 - 2026

Submissions closed on 26 June 2022, 11:59 PM


Help us to make the City of Ryde a better place for people with disability to live, work and visit in the area by providing your comments on our Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 - 2026. 

Council has reviewed its Disability Inclusion Action Plan to ensure we continue to support disability inclusion and as required by the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014.

The DIAP is a commitment from Council that people with disability are welcomed, accepted and respected in our community. This plan and the actions within it will be integrated annually into Council’s core business and into Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan over a four year period.

The DIAP 2022-2026 outlines Council’s central role in providing inclusion through providing accessible and inclusive public spaces, infrastructure, services and information and creating opportunities for all people to participate in community life. The DIAP focuses on four main areas of inclusion being:

  1. Developing positive community attitudes and behaviours.
  2. Creating liveable communities.
  3. Supporting access to meaningful employment.
  4. Improving access to mainstream services though better systems and processes.


We would like to hear from people living with disability, their families and carers, service providers and general community members regarding your thoughts on the draft DIAP.

You can Have Your Say on the Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 - 2026 in a number of ways, including completing the submission form below, via e-mail or post. 

Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 - 2026', and will be received up until Sunday 26 June 2022. 

They can be sent to:

Online Submission

Online Submissions are now closed.

If you require more information about the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 - 2026 or are unable to make an online/written submission, please call our Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222. 

If you require translating assistance, you may call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter to contact Council for you.