Creative Spotlight | Yvette Worboys
Published on 08 February 2021
Tell us a bit about who you are and what kind of creative work you make
I’m a photo-media artist and graphic designer. I have always loved the creative arts and in 2002 I decided to study photography at Ultimo TAFE. This gave me fantastic technical photography skills that I still use in my work today. I have always loved storytelling and this has been a focus of my creative work, particularly through portraiture.
I am also a member of Ludlites Photographic Collective. We shoot film with low-fi cameras. This creates its own challenges along with beautiful surprises. I am currently diversifying and experimenting with the mirrorless camera format and iPhone photography to create my images.
Whereabouts do you look for creative ideas? Who or what inspires you?
Where I find my creative ideas depends on the project I am looking at. I am influenced by a strong sense of family, history and making images for future generations. I have a great number of influences within my work, some are the Masters of Photography such as Henri Cartier-Bresson. I am also inspired by contemporary Australian photographers such as Trent Parke, Tamara Dean and many more.
How does your personal history, culture or experience inform your creative work?
Growing up I was fortunate enough to have two parents that were creative in their own right. My mother was a talented seamstress and creator and my father could do anything he turned his hand to, from designing furniture to restoring MG motorcars. I think their influence and focus in their own areas of interest really helped me find my own creative outlet.
I was encouraged to pursue art from a young age, this included painting, making t-shirts, drawing and developing graphic design skills. In 2000 my mum was diagnosed with cancer. She died six weeks after diagnosis and this changed everything for me. This is when I decided to quit my job and study photography. The experience of going through this journey with my mum, quite unexpectedly, fostered my interest in storytelling and documenting family history for future generations while creating legacy artwork that will last for generations.
Are there any special processes, techniques or tools you use to make your creative work?
I use a variety of cameras and processes within my work which have included large, medium and 35mm cameras, low-fi plastic cameras and darkroom processes. Due to a recent injury I now shoot on my mirrorless Fuji and my iPhone, as well as some low-fi plastic cameras. This still allows me to capture images and create artwork which I am very thankful for.
What is a creative project that you’ve worked on that you’re really proud of? Why?
As part of the Ludlite collective, we did a show on light, entitled ‘Ludlites Love Light’. Immediately I knew I wanted to do something of significance with this brief. I had the idea of utilising the concept of light connecting us to other realms, and in doing so, connecting me to my mum. I went back into the family archives and found an image my dad had taken on transparency, of my mum and I in our backyard.
I found a dress dummy and placed one of Mum’s hand-made gowns on it. I had the foundations of an idea. I set up the projector in the backyard and I projected the image of my mum and myself onto the dress with a light at the top of the dress symbolising my connection to her. In this shot, the chair was empty, this symbolised me. It is the reverse of the physical reality - with her present, me in another realm. This image still hangs proudly on the wall in my house and is one of the most meaningful series of images I have shot.
Where can we find out more about your work and get in touch?