Parent Resources
Child and Family Hub is a co-location of children and family services based in West Ryde.
Relationships Australia based in Macquarie Park offers families a variety of services including counselling, mediation, workshops and parenting programs.
Family Connect Support brings together families, support services and community resources so that our children and young people are safe and well.
The Northern Centre is a community-based organisation that provides practical and emotional support for families, adolescents and children who are experiencing stress or crisis.
Carer Gateway provide emotional and practical services and support for people who care for a family member that may have an illness, disability, mental health issue, or alcohol or other drug problem.
Raising Children Network provide free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help your family grow and thrive together.
Parent Line is a free telephone counselling and support service for parents and carers with children aged 0 to 18 who live in NSW.
The Fathering Project is an evidence-based organisation that aims to promote positive fathering behaviours and fathers’ engagement with their infants, preschool, primary school and adolescent-aged children.
Children’s Occupational Therapy services are based on a family centred approach where therapists work with other team members to develop a comprehensive service for your child. Based at Top Ryde Child and Family Health Centre.
Children’s Physiotherapy provides assessment and treatment of infants and children who have concerns with movement, posture or gross motor development. Based at Top Ryde Child and Family Health Centre.
Children’s Speech Pathology assess, diagnose and treat children with difficulties in the areas of language, speech sounds, voice, stuttering, feeding and swallowing. Based at Top Ryde Child and Family Health Centre.
Community Paediatrician specialise in child development and associated behavioural problems. Based in the Royal North Shore Hospital Community Health Building.
West Ryde Child and Family Health Centre & Top Ryde Child and Family Health Centre provide information and support on parenting, child health and development for parents and caregivers with children under five years of age.