Where do your rates go?

Try our new calculator to find out how your individual rates are allocated to Council's works and programs.

Rates Calculator

Your rates are essential to help keep our City running. They are used to fund facilities, infrastructure and services to ensure City of Ryde is The place to be for lifestyle and opportunity at your doorstep.

The below information provides a snapshot of where Council’s income is derived from, how your rates are going to spent over the next financial year and programs of capital works.

For more detailed information on Council’s activities, view our Four-Year Delivery Program and One-Year Operational Plan, which outline the services, projects and programs planned for our future. Council’s Annual Report also provides a snapshot of Council’s performance over the past year.

Where your rates go

The summary below shows how Council rates and charges are allocated:


View Council’s Four Year Delivery Program for more information.  

Where does Council's money comes from?

Council's operating budgeted expenditure allocation is as follows:


Where does the money go?

Council has allocated its income to the following programs:  

Total Expenditure Operating

Capital works - Key Highlights

Included in Council’s 24/25 budget is approximately $39.6 million of capital works, as detailed below.

Capital Works Program - Expenditure Classes $,000
Meadowbank Park Masterplan Delivery AIF 6,370,400
Blenheim Park - Masterplan Delivery 4,509,230
Road Resurfacing Renewal 3,539,530
Stormwater Asset Replacement Renewal & Expansion 2,382,600
Road Kerb Renewal 2,042,000
Bus Stop DDA compliance 1,782,830
Footpath Construction Renewal & Expansion 1,385,500
Constitution Road Infrastructure Upgrades 1,230,000
Community Buildings Renewals - Libraries Improvements 914,000
Pedestrian Crossing Lighting Upgrade 905,000
Sportsground Amenities Upgrade & Renewal 814,720
Car Park Renewal 779,780
Playground Upgrade & Renewal 762,000
Community Buildings Renewal 746,800
Commercial Buildings Renewal 670,000
Stormwater Improvement Works Renewal 577,860
Traffic Facilities Expansion 522,900
Other Capital Works 9,669,100
Total Capital Works 39,604,250

Income from Council rates and annual charges amount to 64.6% of total revenue.