Draft Amendments to Development Control Plan 2014 - Tree Preservation

Closing on 27 October 2024, 11:59 PM

Image of trees in sunlight

City of Ryde has reviewed its Development Control Plan Part 9.5 –Tree Preservation (DCP Part 9.5) to update the objectives, controls, and guidelines for tree preservation.The proposed amendments also align with recently updated State Government legislation relevant to tree and vegetation management. The updates and amendments will support our commitment to increasing tree canopy as detailed in the Ryde Urban Forest Strategy.

The draft amendments to DCP Part 9.5 - Tree Preservation is on public exhibition to seek community comment between Monday 16 September and Sunday 27 October 2024.

Key Amendments

The amendments to DCP Part 9.5 place a focus on proactive retention and preservation of existing trees as well as the planting of new trees. This approach is due to Council’s aim to foster a view that trees provide amenity to the broader community and improve liveability with significant retention value. The amendments also address the requirements of the Biodiversity and Conservation SEPP 2021 and adopt a landscape approach to vegetation and tree management as recommended in the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s guidelines; Managing Vegetation with a Development Control Plan.

The proposed controls in the draft updated DCP Part 9.5 are aimed at optimising the retention of trees while facilitating appropriate tree pruning and removals consistent with safety issues, impact on infrastructure, and other relevant factors as assessed by a qualified arborist.

Key amendments to the DCP Part 9.5 can be seen below:

Current   Proposed 

No reference to Biodiversity SEPP

Ensure alignment to Biodiversity and Conservation SEPP (2021)

No reference to updated City of Ryde Urban Forest Strategy Ensure alignment and reference to Urban Forest Strategy (2023)
Technical references included Language simplified and noted where technical references are within other documents
Replacement plantings for approved removals required on a 1 for 1 basis Replacement plantings for approved removals required on a 3 to 1 basis
Tree is exempt if it is 4m from an enclosing wall Tree is exempt if it is within 3m from building structure over 25m2
Tree is exempt if it is within 4m of outside edge of pool coping Deleted
Tree is exempt if it is within 4m of the outside edge of a carport Deleted
Tree is exempt if stem circumference measured at 1.4m height is 450mm or smaller Tree is exempt if stem circumference measured at 1.4m height is 150mm or smaller
Exclusions from Exempt Works Expanded to indicate Council must be satisfied included proposed works meet exemption requirements
Lack of clarity in relation to tree works associated with Complying Development Language clarified for tree works requirements relating to development sites
Removal of dead or dying requires an application Expanded to include protection for trees with habitat hollows and clarity around tree risk assessment requirements
Camphor Laurel species included on exempt species list Camphor Laurel tree greater than 10m in height are no longer exempt (subject to permit application)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Development Control Plan (DCP)?

A DCP is a document which contains a set of detailed planning and design guidelines that complements the controls of a Local Environmental Plan (LEP).

What is the DCP Part 9.5 - Tree preservation?

The DCP Part 9.5 – Tree preservation sets Council’s policy for how trees are preserved and managed on private land. It provides guidelines, objectives and controls for people who wish to carry out development (tree works) in the Local Government Area (LGA). This section of the DCP guides Council in the assessment of Development Applications received and determined by the City of Ryde.

Why is Council amending the DCP Part 9.5 - Tree Preservation?

Council’s existing DCP Part 9.5 - Tree Preservation, was last reviewed in 2014 and minor updates were made in 2016.  Since then, the NSW Government has updated legislation relating to tree and vegetation protection, detailed in the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and State Environmental Planning Policy - Biodiversity and Conservation 2021 (Biodiversity and Conservation State Environmental Planning Policy - SEPP).   

Since 2014, Council has also adopted a Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) and Ryde Urban Forest Strategy, all of which identified a 40% canopy target for the LGA.  These documents have set the strategic direction for the management of trees within the LGA.  An update to the DCP Part 9.5 – Tree Preservation is required to ensure it reflects the current legislative environment and aligns to the relevant Council adopted plans and strategies. 

How does the Biodiversity and Conservation SEPP affect the approval and enforcement process?

The introduction of the Biodiversity and Conservation SEPP, provides local government authorities with the statutory powers to issue penalties for illegal tree works undertaken without approval from Council where the SEPP is referred to in Council’s relevant DCP.   

If the tree removal and pruning work on a private land includes any of the tree conditions identified in the DCP, the landholder would be required to seek a permit for completing the work. Council has a tree management application process, detailed here, which outlines the requirements and process when tree works are to be completed on private land in the LGA. 

Why is tree preservation important?

Tree removals – whether on private or public land - reduce the tree canopy and the benefits the urban forest provides the City and the broader community. Even if the removed trees are replaced, the length of time that is required for the tree to benefit community and environment (e.g. providing shade, cooling the urban environment, contributing to the biodiversity) should be considered.  

Trees are an invaluable asset for our community and play an important role in achieving Council’s vision to provide a beautiful, sustainable, liveable and cool City. Trees provide community with a wide range of benefits, including relief from summer’s heat, reducing glare from the pavement, reducing runoff, and improving air quality.

Hard Copies of the Documents

Hard copies of the Draft Amendments to Development Control Plan Part 9.5 - Tree Preservation will be available to be viewed at: 

  • Customer Service Counter 

    1 Pope Street, Ryde (Monday - Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm)

  • All Council Libraries  
    (see branch details for opening hours)


You can Have Your Say on the Draft Amendments to Development Control Plan 2014 - Tree Preservation in a number of ways including via the submission form below, e-mail or post.

All submissions must be received by 11:59pm on Sunday 27 October 2024.

Written Submissions

Written submissions must be clearly marked as 'Draft Amendments to Development Control Plan 2014 - Tree Preservation' and can be sent to:

Email     cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au
Post      City of Ryde, Locked Bag 2069, North Ryde NSW 1670 

Online Submission

Click here to view form.

If you require more information about the Draft Amendments to Development Control Plan 2014 - Tree Preservation, or are unable to make an online/written submission, please call our Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222 or email cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au.

If you require translating assistance, you may call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter to contact Council for you.