Waste, Recycling and the Circular Economy

Closing on 23 February 2025, 11:59 PM

Image of City of Ryde bins
Complete the online survey and go in the draw to win one of five $100 Anystore gift cards!*
*See below for terms and conditions.

City of Ryde is currently reviewing its Waste Management Strategy to move towards a circular economy approach. To help our community achieve this vision, Council is developing a ‘Circular Economy Strategy’.

A circular economy involves reusing, repairing, sharing and recycling materials and products; keeping them in use as long as possible. It also means moving away from single use materials and products which are not sustainable. This approach supports Council’s broader vision of creating a smarter, cleaner and greener City of Ryde. We want to hear from you! 

By providing your feedback, you can help shape our Circular Economy Strategy and ensure it meets the needs and aspirations of our community. Your feedback will guide us in making informed decisions on future waste management and resource recovery initiatives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Circular Economy?

A Circular Economy is focused on reducing waste and making the best possible use of resources. Unlike the traditional “take, make, and dispose” model, a Circular Economy emphasises reusing, repairing, and recycling materials to extend the lifespan of resources and minimise waste. City of Ryde is working towards achieving a Circular Economy and exploring effective ways to manage resources, reduce waste, and advocate for our local community. Working towards a Circular Economy will help to minimise waste, lower environmental impacts, and keep resources in use, promoting sustainability and reducing the need for raw materials.

Where can I report a waste issue?

If you need to report a waste-related issue or book a service, please refer to the following links: 

View the Terms and Conditions

City of Ryde Council ‘Waste, Recycling and the Circular Economy Online Survey’ Competition - Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply:

  1. The City of Ryde Council ‘Waste, Recycling and the Circular Economy Online Survey’ competition commences at 8.00am Australian Eastern Daylight Time on Monday 18 November 2024 and closes at 11.59pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time on Sunday 23 February 2025.
  2. The Promoter is the City of Ryde of 3 Richardson Place, North Ryde NSW 2113, ABN number 81 621 292 610.
  3. Entry into the promotion is open to residents of the City of Ryde, Australia who are 18 years or older.
  4. Employees, contractors and councillors of the Promoter may respond to the online survey; however, they are not eligible for the prize draw associated with this promotion.
  5. Only one entry per person is permitted.
  6. To be eligible, participants must submit and complete the ‘Waste, Recycling and the Circular Economy Online Survey’, on https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CircularEconomyStrategy.
  7. Written Submissions will not be deemed an eligible entry.
  8. Once submitted, the entrant cannot alter or delete the entry.
  9. Participation in the Promotion by completing the above step is deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions.
  10. Participants who do not provide a valid Australian telephone number/email and their name will have their entry voided.
  11. In the event that an entrant’s contact details change during the competition period, it is the entrant’s responsibility to notify the Promoter.
  12. The prize draw is open to all qualifying entrants who submit a completed online survey between 8.00am Australian Eastern Daylight Time on Monday 18 November 2024 and 11.59pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time on Sunday 23 February 2025. No purchase is necessary.
  13. All entries become the property of the Promoter.
  14. The winners will be drawn at random from eligible participants on Tuesday 4 March 2025 by the Promoter.
  15. The competition is a game of chance. From the entries, five (5) will be randomly selected to each win one (1) Anystore Gift Card valued at $100.
  16. The total prize pool is worth $500.
  17. The winners will be notified within two (2) working days of the draw taking place by the telephone/email provided in the online survey entry and will be provided with details of how to redeem the prize.
  18. The winning entries may be published in City of Ryde documents and on City of Ryde social media channels. They may also be published on the ryde.nsw.gov.au website and in local press.
  19. By entering the prize draw, the winners consent to their name being published and to participate in any publicity accompanying or resulting from this promotion in printed and/or online formats without requiring further payment by the City of Ryde or further consent from the winner.
  20. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for change in prize value between now and the ultimate prize redemption date.
  21. The prize must be taken as offered. The prize, or any unused portion of the prize, is not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be redeemed as cash. The prize is not valid in conjunction with any other offer.
  22. The prize is subject to any conditions imposed by the supplier.
  23. If the prize is not claimed within five (5) working days of the prize draw, the relevant winner’s entry will be deemed invalid and the Promoter will reselect the winning entry.
  24. The Promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  25. If the prize is unavailable, for whatever reason, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute the prize for a prize of equal or greater value, subject to State Regulation.
  26. City of Ryde will not be responsible for any entries that are not received for any reason, by the closing date and time, whether lost, delayed, corrupted or otherwise, and whether or not due to any technical difficulties or malfunctions.
  27. The information the entrants provide to us will be used in accordance with the City of Ryde privacy statement (available at http://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/Information-pages/Privacy-Statement) and for the purpose of conducting this competition. City of Ryde may also use this information to communicate with entrants about the running of this competition or similar competitions in the future. City of Ryde, its associated agencies and companies associated with this competition may disclose entrants’ personal information to their contractors and agents to assist in conducting this promotion or communicating with the entrants (including publishing winners’ names).


“Participant” means any person who enters the City of Ryde Council ‘Waste, Recycling and the Circular Economy Online Survey’ competition via completing the online survey.“Promoter” means the City of Ryde of Building 0, Level 1, 3 Richardson Place, North Ryde NSW 2113.

Translation Assistance | 한국어 | 中文

Image showing how to select a language

Translating Assistance

For more information please call the Translating & Interpreting Service on 131450 between 8.00am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. Ask for an interpreter to contact Council for you. Please make sure you refer to the topic/project when you speak to Council and Council staff will go through this information with you over the phone. Council’s phone number is 9952 8222.

如需更多信息,请在周一至周五上午8:00至下午5:30之间致电131450 ,联系传译服务。请让普通话传译员代您联系市议会。在和市议会通话时请务必提及此话题,市议会工作人员将通过电话为您作出详细解释。市议会电话号码为9952 8222。

如需瞭解詳情,請在週一至週五早8時至下午5時30分的時間段內致電131450 ,聯絡傳譯服務。請委託國語傳譯人員代您聯絡市議會。在聯絡市議會時請務必提及此話題,市議會工作人員將通過電話為您作出詳細解釋。市議會電話號碼為9952 8222。

자세한 안내를 원하시면 월~금요일, 오전 8시부터 오후 5시 30분까지 통번역 서비스 131450번으로 전화하시기 바랍니다. 한국어 통역사에게 카운슬 연락을 요청하시면 됩니다. 카운슬과 통화하실 때 해당 주제를 알려주시면, 카운슬 직원이 전화상으로 해당 내용을 상세히 설명해 드릴 것입니다. 카운슬의 전화번호는 9952 8222번입니다.


You can Have Your Say on the Waste, Recycling and the Circular Economy in a number of ways including via the online survey, email or post.

All submissions must be received by 11.59pm Sunday 23 February 2025.

Online Survey

To Have Your Say, complete the online survey via the link below. If you are unable to complete this survey online or require assistance, please contact Customer Service on 9952 8222. 

Prize Draw 

Provide your feedback by completing the online survey and you can go in the draw to win one (1) of five (5) $100 Anystore gift cards. Please see our full terms and conditions for more information.

Complete the Online Survey

Written Submissions

Written Submissions must be clearly marked as 'Waste, Recycling and the Circular Economy' and can be sent to:

Email: cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au
Post: City of Ryde, Locked Bag 2069, North Ryde NSW 1670

Privacy Notification

Personal information collected from you is held and used by Council under the provisions of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. The supply of information is voluntary, however if you cannot provide, or do not wish to provide the information sought, Council may be unable to process your application or request, or consider your submission. Please note that the exchange of information between the public and Council, may be accessed by others and could be made publicly available under the Government Information Public Access Act 2009 (GIPA Act). If you require further information please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222.

If you require more information about Waste, Recycling and the Circular Economy please email cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au or call our Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222.

If you require translating assistance, you may call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter to contact Council for you.