Draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy

Submissions closed on 31 October 2022, 11:59 PM


The City of Ryde’s Draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy is on public exhibition for community comment. 

The Draft Expenses and Facilities Policy ensures that Councillors have access to facilities and support, so that they can fulfil their civic duties.  This Policy demonstrates that there is accountability, transparency and equity in the provision of expenses and facilities for Councillors at the City of Ryde.

Council has recently reviewed this Policy and in accordance with Section 253(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 and now invites you to consider the draft Policy and make any submissions.


You can Have Your Say on the Draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy in a number of ways including via e-mail, post or by completing the submission form below.

Written Submissions

Written submissions must be clearly marked as ‘Draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy’. All submissions must be received by Council by Monday 31 October 2022.

Online Submissions

Online Submissions are now closed.

If you require more information about the Draft Expenses and Facilities Policy, or are unable to make an online/written submission, please call our Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222 or email cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au.

If you require translating assistance, you may call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter to contact Council for you.