Council Resolution - Meadowbank & Memorial Park Masterplan & PoM

Published on 19 December 2019

The Meadowbank Park and Memorial Park Masterplan and Plan of Management was tabled at Council meeting on Tuesday 26 November 2019.

At its meeting, Council resolved:

(a) That Council adopts the Meadowbank Park and Memorial Park Masterplan, as prepared by Aspect Studios and dated July 2019.

(i) Stage 4 – High priority.
(ii) Stage 6 – High priority.

(b) That Council refer the draft Meadowbank Park Plan of Management dated July 2019 to the Minister for Lands and Forestry for approval to place on public exhibition as per the requirements of the Crown Lands Act (2016). Once approved the document be placed on exhibition and that submissions be received for a period of 42 days.

(c) That a subsequent report be brought back to Council at the conclusion of the Meadowbank Park Plan of Management public exhibition period.

(d) That Council write to thank the residents that participated in the development of the Master Plan and Plan of Management and inform them of this resolution.

(e) That multi-purpose courts identified in Stage 6 be considered as a Council run sports facility and a report be brought back to Council identifying options.

(f) That staff apply for relevant grants.

(g) That the river dog swim site be removed from the Masterplan and a non-river dog swim site be considered as part of the dog recreation strategy

  • Click here to view a copy of the Masterplan Report
  • Click here to view a copy of the Minutes from Council Meeting

View the past Have Your Say page (Stage 2)

View the past Have Your Say page (Stage 1)