Litter Prevention in Eastwood

A recent litter audit conducted in the City of Ryde identified Eastwood as a littering hot spot. Unfortunately there was substantially more litter in Eastwood than other comparison areas elsewhere in Ryde. Cigarette butts are the most littered item, cigarette butts contain toxins and are non-biodegradable. 

Graph of the amount of litter and cigarette butts in Eastwood compared to the rest of Ryde.

What is Council doing to prevent littering?

To help reduce the incidences of littering, Council has taken several steps to educate the local community and encourage people to do the right thing and not litter.

This includes the following:

  • The installation of a litter prevention mural in Hillview Lane
  •  The addition of two cigarette butt bins in Eastwood Mall as well as floor decals to help direct people to the butt bins
  •  Installation of a litter guard along the storm water canal in Eastwood
  • The addition of two filtered water fountains to encourage people to use their refillable drink bottles. This helps encourage the community to reduce their reliance on disposable plastic and not buy bottled water which adds to our litter. The two new water fountains are located in Eastwood Mall and Glen Reserve, Eastwood.
  • Development and delivery of educational material.

What can you do?

  • Be responsible for your waste, do the right thing and don’t litter! Use the recycling bins around Eastwood to dispose of your waste and recycling responsibly
  • Smoke away from shop fronts and use the butt bins provided
  • Do not overfill bins, as the contents can spill out of the bin and contribute to litter.

Fines for littering

City of Ryde enforcement rangers will be monitoring littering hot spots in Eastwood. Littering fines can range from $80 – $750 depending on the offender (business or individual) and the item being littered.