DA Documentation for Community Gardens

The preparation of an application to Council to construct and operate a community garden requires the submission of a broad range of documents. The information submitted will help Council and the broader community understand the nature of your garden proposal and provide a sound basis for the assessment of the application. The Development Advisory Service may assist with explaining Council’s requirements.

The documents that are required for a community garden development application are described below:

1. Owner Consent

The agreement of the owner of land that is hosting your garden must be obtained before you lodge a development application. It is recommended that you contact the owner of your proposed site well in advance so that obtaining their consent is only a formality.

To assist, Council has an Owners Consent Form(PDF, 37KB) available that should be signed and lodged with your development application. 

2. Development Application Form

A development application must be made to Council seeking permission to use an area of private land for a community garden. All Development application form(PDF, 261KB) fields should be completed and supporting plans and information appended.

General guidance on the supporting information to be submitted with your application is described in Council’s Development Application Information Package(PDF, 417KB) . More specific requirements are outlined in the next section.

3. Required Plans and Information

The development application should be clearly described and illustrated with enough detail for Council to understand and assess the nature of the development proposed.  Specifically, the following information should be submitted with the development application.

  1. Location plan - a scaled plan showing where the proposed garden site is situated in the Ryde Council area. 
  2. Aerial Image - a screen shot from a geobrowser that accesses satellite and aerial imagery which is annotated to show the site location.
  3. Site Plan - a scaled plan showing the location of the proposed garden site in context with the surrounding development.
  4. Site analysis - a written description of the context within which the proposed garden site will exist. Matters such as site orientation, slope, vegetation, solar access, flooding, views to and from the site, utilities, infrastructure, neighbour privacy, impact of site structures on neighbours, access for pedestrians, vehicles and waste services should be included. The Site Plan document description of the Development application Information Package - Document descriptions(PDF, 417KB) may also be used as a guide.
  5. Garden Layout Plan - a written outline showing the disposition of different areas of activity, uses and structures on the site. This may include the site access point, garden beds (in ground or raised), sheds, compost areas, hardstand, fence and security features. Approximate dimensions of different elements and structures will assist in understanding how the site will work in relation to the surrounding land uses.
  6. Garden Construction Plan - a clear outline of how the garden is to be constructed with a sequence of activities beginning with access to the site, clearance, demolition and excavation preparations. A program of works for all facilities and structures that also addresses the protection the surrounding environment is also required. The construction plan should be integrated with the Waste Management Plan.
  7. Waste Management Plan - the disposal of construction waste and the ongoing disposal of operational waste from your site needs to be addressed in your application. A plan for managing construction and operational waste will reduce the impact of your garden on the general environment. A waste service may be needed on site with at least a general garbage red bin in the operational phase. A green waste bin may also be needed depending on the degree of proposed composting, if any, to be done on site. The Waste Minimisation and Management(PDF, 1MB) section of the Ryde DCP 2014 should be read and relevant matters in Section 2.3 addressed and submitted in the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan(PDF, 51KB) format with the application.
  8. Statement of Environmental Effects - a clear concise statement on how the community garden proposal will interact with the existing environment. The impacts of the construction and operation phases of the project need to be described. The Statement of Environmental Effects template(DOCX, 28KB) may be used as a model to assist with its preparation.