Recycling Collection
This video is part of a NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.
Where does my recycling go?
Your recycling is collected and transported by truck to the VISY Materials Recovery Facility in Smithfield where it is sorted by hand and machinery into different types, put into bales, then sent to specialist recycling plants to be made into recycled products.
Council will collect
Council will NOT collect:
Visit our A to Z Guide of Waste and Recycling for more disposal options.
Did you know you can recycle other items elsewhere?
The City of Ryde provides additional services for selected items that cannot be recycled through the yellow lid recycling bin:
Cleanaway Ryde Resource Recovery Centre located at 145 Wicks Road also accepts recyclable materials including whitegoods, car batteries and scrap metal. Please call 1300 651 116 for pricing information, opening times and accepted materials.
This video is part of a NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.
For more information about where you can recycle specific household items consult the A-Z Waste and Recycling Guide(PDF, 222KB) and read our Tips and Tricks for Advanced Recyclers(PDF, 317KB).
Still can’t find where you can recycle an item?
Try searching on the Recycling Near You website.
Resources in Other Languages
You can find information on City of Ryde's garbage, recycling and garden organics collection in languages other than English below.