Street Tree Planting Program 2022

  • Project typeOpen Space, Sport and Recreation Program
  • Project StatusCompleted

The City of Ryde is planting more trees as part of our commitment to increase the canopy cover to 40% by 2030.

As part of this commitment, Council will be planting 1,300 new street trees throughout the suburb of Ryde.

These tree planting works are scheduled to commence in September 2022 and will include new plantings as well as the replacement of some existing street trees.

This project has been made possible due to funding Council received from the NSW Government’s ‘Greening our City’ program.


Careful consideration is given to the location and tree species that is best suited for your street. All locations are individually assessed and existing constraints taken in to consideration.

To view the streets selected for street tree planting and the concept plans, please visit our online interactive map below. Please note, the concept plans are subject to change based on available funding and correspondence received.

View the Online Interactive Map

If your street has been identified for planting and you do not wish to have a street tree planted in the nature strip outside your property, please contact the Project Manager via email at Emails must be clearly marked as 'Street Tree Planting 2022' and must include your address (including street number, street name and suburb).


Trees play an important role in the 'greening' of our City and are an invaluable asset for our community. Some benefits include:

  • Making your surroundings pleasant
  • Providing relief from summer’s heat and reduce glare from the pavement
  • Reducing runoff
  • Improving air quality