To be eligible for funding, applicants must demonstrate consistency with the following eligibility criteria:
All works must involve the conservation or restoration of a residential heritage item, listed on Schedule 5 of the Ryde LEP 2014 and/or identified as a contributory item in a HCA.
All works must demonstrate compliance with the provisions of Ryde LEP 2014, specifically, clause 5.10 Heritage Conservation.
The works must be undertaken in accordance with a valid development consent (DA) or a Minor Works Heritage Exemption.
All works must have been completed within the past 12 months and by qualified trades who have demonstrated skills and experience in dealing with heritage fabric.
All works must be completed and tax invoices submitted with the application (including a copy of any heritage management document).
All works must be undertaken in accordance with good heritage conservation practices and methodology (refer to the guidelines and publications available from Heritage NSW).
The Ryde Local Heritage Assistance Fund can also contribute to the preparation of a heritage management document, including:
- A Conservation Management Plan (CMP).
- An Archaeological Management Plan (AMP).
- A Heritage Impact Statement (HIS).